La solution c’est la redirection 301 d’Apache, il suffit de placer un fichier .htaccess sur votre serveur et d’y placer ces 2 lignes: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] Bien sur le module Rewrite d’Apache doit être activé.
Author: admin
How to get the ID of an element
Say you want to know the ID of an element using jQuery. You can achieve this easily using jQuery’s attr() method: But this is fairly useless, because it requires you to already know the ID of the element that you want. Usually you’ll want to find out the ID if you don’t already know it […]
How to disable/enable an element with jQuery
Sometimes you need to disable or enable some elements in your document and jQuery makes this task easy. All you have to do is to set “disabled” attribute to “disabled”. Example: In order to enable any “disabled” element you need to set the “disabled” attribute to empty string or remove it entirely like in the […]
Eviter l’erreur : ‘PHP Incomplete Class’
Il faut que la définition de la classe soit incluse avant le session_start(). session_start() tente de délinéariser l’objet mais vu qu’il ne connaît pas la structure de la classe, il lui donne ce joli nom __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object. Il suffit de faire un require_once du fichier contenant la définition de la classe avant de faire session_start().
Merge statement in oracle
This is an example of the MERGE statement. In the following request, we will merge the source table into the target table. More info :